NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit and Modules

Do you need increased sensitivity and specificity from your RNA-seq experiments? Do you have ever-decreasing amounts of input RNA?

To address these challenges, our next generation of RNA library prep kits have been reformulated at each step, resulting in several fold higher yields of high quality libraries, enabling use of lower input amounts and fewer PCR cycles.

Why consider the NEBNext Ultra II (Directional) RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina?

Our new NEBNext Ultra II RNA kits have streamlined, automatable workflows and are available for directional (strand-specific, using the « dUTP method ») and non-directional library prep, with the option of SPRIselect® beads for size-selection and clean-up steps.

Advantages of the NEBNext ultra II RNA kits:

Get more of what you need, with the highest library yields

Generate high quality libraries even when you have only limited amounts of input RNA:

10 ng – 1 µg Total RNA (polyA mRNA workflow)

5 ng – 1 µg Total RNA (rRNA depletion workflow)

Minimize bias, with fewer PCR cycles required

Maximize the flexibility to order reagents for your specific workflow needs:

Directional (strand-specific, using the “dUTP method”) and non-directional workflow options

rRNA Depletion and poly(A) mRNA Isolation reagents

Adaptors and primers for multiplexing (12- and 96-index) formats

Enjoy the reliability of the gold standard SPRIselect size selection and clean-up beads, supplied in just the amounts you need

Optimize your time with streamlined workflows, reduced hands-on time, and automation compatibility

Rely on robust performance, even with low quality RNA

Poly(A)-containing mRNA was isolated from 10 ng, 100 ng and 1 µg of Universal Human Reference RNA (Agilent #740000) and libraries were made using the NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA kit, Kapa Stranded mRNA-Seq kit, Kapa mRNA HyperPrep kit and Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Kit. The input RNA amount and number of PCR cycles are indicated. Library yields from an average of three replicates are shown. Error bars indicate standard deviation. Library yields were assessed using the Agilent® Bioanalyzer®.

NEBNext Ultra II Products are easily automatable and have been implemented on diverse platforms.

Product Table

NEW NEBNext Magnetic Separation Rack S1515S 1 rack NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit E7760S/L 24/96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prepwith Sample Purification Beads E7765S/L 24/96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit E7770S/L 24/96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit
with Sample Purification Beads
E7775S/L 24/96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon

This content is covered by patents, trademarks and/or copyrights owned or controlled by New England Biolabs, Inc. For more information, please email us at The use of these products may require you to obtain additional third party intellectual property rights for certain applications.

KAPA® is a registered trademark of Kapa Biosystems

ILLUMINA® and TRUSEQ® are registered trademarks of Illumina, Inc.

AGILENT® and BIOANALYZER® are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies

SPRISELECT® is a registered trademark of Beckman Coulter, Inc.

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